Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Ringing Cedars Series

ANASTASIA Complete 9 Book Set, By Vladimir MegreWow!! I'm reading the Ringing Cedars books after coming across a deal through Angela Stokes' site. I received the whole set from The Raw Food World website. I'm going through all this preamble because these books are so awesome. I'm looking forward to using her hints for gardening come spring. Basically Anastasia states that the plant kingdom is (indeed all of nature) provided for Humans well being. When planting seeds if we give the plants information about ourselves they will provide us with optimum nutrition. This is achieved by holding some of the seeds in our mouth for a few minutes and then planting them without any other supplemental watering for a few days. Also rinsing our feet first thing in the morning and watering the plants with this water is recommended. These two methods give the developing plants information about our state of health. They can then procure from the soil all that is needed for our individual bodies health. How exciting is that? Of course being with your plants in a loving way everyday is beneficial for all.
Nature is so amazing. Here I am looking out my window at the leafless trees in my back yard with a bit of fresh snowfall from last night, and within a couple of months there will be leaves on the trees again and there will be new growth everywhere. What a joyful thing it is to be a citizen of this beautiful gem we call earth. Let us all cherish her and enjoy our time here.

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