Monday, March 30, 2009

AeroGarden Update

It's been way too long since I posted and now "spring has sprung" so I'm feeling inspired again. I have to admit that what also inspired me to post on a regular basis was one of my favourite blogs that I follow which I linked to on my previous post. The blog is called RawketScience and is well worth checking out. I've gotten into eating raw vegan foods again so I am thoroughly enjoying the constant posts on this blog.
As you can see from the accompanying photo I've gotten quite a nice little crop from my AeroGarden this winter. The biggest success, as you can see, was the basil which just went wild. The dill did well and also the thyme. The oregano and mint made a very poor showing and the chives were non existent after their initial growth. I believe this was due to them being overpowered by the basil, which I constantly had to trim. I love basil so it was so exciting to trim some to use in my salads in the winter.
I came across a very interesting idea on The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center's Website. They are using a dome greenhouse and also using EM (Effective Microorganisms) which is something I used to use years ago, when I worked at the Omega Centre. So that got me looking into EM again and I discovered that EM Ceramics can also be used in Aquariums to eliminate algae as well as to help restructure the water for increased oxygenation. I have guppies in my aquarium and they are extremely prolific which means that I quite regularly have a LARGE school of guppies which makes for some very challenging water conditions in the aquarium. My local aquarium store is due for another donation of guppies. I will definitely be looking into EM to help with my water problems in my aquarium as well as for my garden and houseplants. I've found a supplier in Canada for the EM-X, which is used for gardening, called The Organic Gardener's Pantry. The EM America website sells all things EM, including the EM ceramics, which they will ship to Canada. Both of these websites have a wealth of information on EM which I would recommend for everyone to check out. There are many uses for EM including cleaning up our waterways. Personally I'd love to get together a movement to use EM to clean up the Don River and the Humber River here in Toronto, where I live. It can also be used in water features in your yard and used in the water for your house plants.